We are grateful for the endorsements of the following Brazos Valley Residents:
Andy and Kim Acker
John A. Adams
Phil Adams
Mark and Kacie Adair
Will and Aubrey Agnor
Steve and Sally Allbritton
John Anderson
Cindy Armatys
Katelyn Armatys
Scott T. Armstrong
John and Gail Ash
Daniel and Anne Balke
Phil and Martha Banks
Jim and Darlynne Beard
Jana L. Beddingfield
Kathryn Berilla
Comm. Nancy Berry
Brian and Beth Bland
Gabe and Megan Bock
Randall "Randy" Bond
Stephen Boyd
Charis Brantley
Stafford and Julie Brantley
Neal and Alline Briers
Randall "Randy" Bond
Ruben and Morgan Borjas
Stephen Boyd
Bob Brown
James Brown
Jerry Brown
Mark S. Browning
Judge Travis Bryan, III
Danny Burba
Joe Campos
Cody and Lorin Catelena
Joseph and Debbie Champlin
Bryana Childers
Chad Clark
Mike and Shelly Cmajdalka
Coach Chris and Joey Collins
Bobby and Teresa Patranella Davis
Glenn and Beckie Davis
Donald and Liz Delgado
Terrance and Stacy Dill
Matt and Ashley Doss
Christian and Anita Dorsey
James and Linda Edge
Brian and Stacy Edwards
Jim and Lesha Emerson
John and Dawn Fedora
Caoch Lee and Lisa Fedora
John Flud
Pat and Melissa Fogarty
Stephen and Marti Fowler
Dr. Will and Mary Gaines
Isela Garcia
Mike Gentry
Billy and Sheryl Gifford
Cullen M. "Mike" Godfrey
Nina Godinez
Ruben and Salina Gomez
Jay Goss
Tyler and Kristen Granger
Bishop Maurice Green
Coach Merrill Green
John Grisham
Lynn and Jan Grisham
Gary Guest
Dr. Dan and Linda Hale
Bryan and Lisa Hanna
Tyler and Ashlee Hardy
Dr. Sam and Julie Harrison
Billy and Dawn Hart
Ernie and Gina Harvell
John and Elise Hendry
Brett and Barbara Henry
Beverly Herrick
Angela Hindman
Larry G. Holt
Rob and Suzanne Holt
Nancy Howard
Rebecca Huey
Dr. Rick and Susan Huffman
Dr. Chris and Becky Imperial
Bob and Kate Jackson
Rod and Loretta Jackson
Brandon and Ari Jones
Gen. Don Johnson
Bill and Johnna Johnston
Charlene Jones
Ebony Jones
Robert and Charli Jones
Kyle Kacal
Bobbye Keyes
Van and Karen Kinerd
Sheryl Kirk
Steven and Sandra Lastovica
Brian and Stephanie Lee
Hanna Lee
Dr. Jack and Jan Lundsford
Dr. Don McLeroy
Mike and Kay McWhorter
Josh and Merinda Marion
Steve and Carmen Maxwell
Lisa Meador
Randy Michel
Brooks and Jennifer Moore
Jim and Bobbie Moore
Steve and Judy O'Neal
Barbara Pearcy
Joshua and Meredith Perryman
Doug and Cheryl Peterson
Jacob and Donna Pimentel
Jonathan and Jennifer Poe
David Polling
Dr. Matt and Melissa Polling
Dominic Preston and Sha'Quetta Ross
Dr. Stuart and Velvet Quartemont
Dan and Cindy Quinn
John Quinn
Jose and Joan Quintana
JJ and Mary Helen Ramirez
Cameron Reynolds
Casey and Baili Rhodes
Madi Richburg
Wayne and Ann Rife
Randy and Suzanne Rother
Jay and Jami Rudinger
Bud and Glinda Rusk
Scott Rusk
Weldon and Martha Russell
Coach Rex Sanders
Scott Scherr
Dr. David and Becky Segrest
Col.Patrick and Heather Seiber
Dr. Nate Sharp
Scott Scherr
David and Melina Shellenberger
Patrick and Bethany Sleebos
Ed Slovacek
Doug and Kim Smith
Misty Smith
Daniel and Celeste Stagg
Bret and Gail Stafford
Dick and Linda Stafford
Jonathon Stark
Chief Jim Stewart
Hunter Shurtleff
Marca Ewers Shurtleff
Cooper and Liz Svajda
Jack and Shelly Templin
Lane and Beth Thibodeaux
Will Thornhill
Jim Bob Ward
Jay Don Watson
John and Sue Webb
Gaines and Susan West
Matt and Mary Whelan
Eric and Joey Wylie
Charles and Laura Wilding
Dr. Eric and Julie Wilke
Col. James R. Woodall
Lloyd Wassermann
Bill Youngkin
Michael and Jennifer Zubillaga
Eric Zylman
"One of the Best" Award
I am honored by my Bell County clients and friends! Very humbled and appreciative for this honor. Thank you, Temple Daily Telegram for hosting this vote!
KBTX Media
As a College Station attorney who handles employment cases, Roy Brantley was asked by KBTX Media to comment with advice to those who have been affected by the Vista College Bankruptcy. Brantley suggested people impacted by Vista’s shutdown contact the Delaware State Bar at (302) 658-5279 and ask for a bankruptcy attorney. Read more